Idfc Premier Equity Fund · @idfc.premier.equity7 · 0 Followers
15.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (43 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
UNOMINDA 2.4% 213 1,030 384.0%
PAGEIND 1.0% 11,754 42,987 265.7%
BLUEDART 6.6% 7,178 8,632 20.3%
WABAG 0.4% 786 1,396 77.5%
RBLBANK 2.3% 510 211 58.6%
CRISIL 1.0% 1,899 4,684 146.6%
ASHOKLEY 2.0% 52.1 236 353.0%
SCHAEFFLER 0.1% 891 3,852 332.1%
GREAVESCOT 2.3% 149 182 22.4%
GSPL 1.1% 114 401 251.4%
VOLTAS 0.7% 242 1,890 679.4%
FLFL 3.0% 338 2.28 99.3%
BATAINDIA 0.5% 646 1,432 121.8%
ENIL 2.1% 810 205 74.7%
ASTRAL 0.7% 177 1,896 970.3%
SUVEN 0.4% 211 156 26.0%
REDINGTON 1.3% 66.9 191 184.9%
3MINDIA 0.9% 6,450 35,422 449.2%
MCX 2.6% 842 5,804 589.5%
VRLLOG 2.0% 372 596 60.4%
TCI 0.5% 271 1,092 303.4%
ITDCEM 0.4% 169 487 188.2%
KSCL 0.9% 771 1,068 38.4%
JMFINANCIL 4.6% 47.4 125 164.8%
PRECAM 2.7% 177 252 42.1%
GEORGFISCH 0.8% 6,709 17,900 166.8%
PTC 1.8% 94.5 236 149.4%
VTL 0.9% 91.6 490 435.7%
KHADIM 1.7% 682 360 47.3%
INGERRAND 1.4% 870 4,160 378.1%
TCIEXP 1.4% 350 1,125 221.0%
PODDARHOUS 4.5% 950 74.5 92.2%
MCLEODRUSS 1.3% 239 25.8 89.2%
KENNAMET 1.1% 942 3,203 239.8%
BALRAMCHIN 0.5% 65.1 572 778.8%
GODFRYPHLP 2.1% 598 7,578 1167.2%
ATUL 1.9% 1,925 7,690 299.5%
NAVKARCORP 0.6% 168 139 17.4%
APLAPOLLO 1.2% 34.2 1,432 4090.6%
POWERMECH 2.5% 601 6,467 975.4%
HIMATSEIDE 1.3% 88.5 162 82.9%
RSWM 0.8% 308 221 28.1%
KIRLPNU 3.2% 404 1,290 219.7%