Il And Fs Trust Company Limited · @il.and.fs14 · 0 Followers
57.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (19 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GMRINFRA 0.7% 15.7 96.5 514.4%
BLUESTARCO 0.0% 411 1,607 291.2%
BALLARPUR 0% 15.1 0.89 94.1%
GODREJIND 0.1% 294 898 205.9%
PRABHAT 1.9% 116 99.6 14.1%
POLYPLEX 5.1% 214 1,100 413.3%
KARURVYSYA 0.6% 104 206 97.6%
PARSVNATH 6.2% 25.9 13.2 49.0%
NATCOPHARM 1.9% 498 1,216 144.0%
WONDERLA 0.5% 311 915 194.2%
DEN 0.1% 122 56 54.0%
HCG -0.0% 171 375 119.0%
NIITLTD 1.7% 48.4 111 130.3%
AURIONPRO 5.0% 187 1,462 680.9%
CANDC 0% 34.5 2.36 93.2%
GSS 0.5% 27.6 92.7 235.7%
INDLMETER 0% 78.9 6.06 92.3%
BALAMINES 0.1% 70.9 2,426 3322.4%
ECLERX 2.4% 967 2,517 160.2%