India Infoline Limited · @india.infoline · 0 Followers
17.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
CHOLAFIN 1.3% 236 1,423 502.3%
CENTRALBK 1.1% 87.6 62.7 28.4%
BOMDYEING 4.1% 286 211 26.2%
SECURKLOUD 2.0% 612 37.5 93.9%
GATECH 1.7% 20.6 1.19 94.2%
EXPLEOSOL 0.5% 1,074 1,250 16.4%
ENERGYDEV 3.4% 33 23.6 28.6%
THEMISMED 0.4% 702 210 70.0%
BASML 1.1% 95.3 47.5 50.2%
GLOBALVECT 1.6% 121 205 68.9%
GINNIFILA 0.2% 25.9 31.7 22.2%
YUKEN 3.5% 612 1,239 102.5%
AUTOIND 1.8% 55.3 124 125.2%
GMBREW 1.4% 321 634 97.4%
MADHAV 2.0% 45.6 45.9 0.6%
TOKYOPLAST 2.9% 29 115 296.6%