India Opportunities Growth Fund Ltd. - Pinewood Strategy · @india.opportunities.growth15 · 4 Followers
14.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (26 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ABFRL 0.2% 235 283 20.2%
CEATLTD 0.4% 965 3,185 229.9%
GRASIM 4.2% 1,303 2,544 95.2%
LAKSHVILAS 0% 81.6 7.65 90.6%
TVSHLTD 2.4% 4,636 9,524 105.4%
TV18BRDCST 0% 40.5 45.3 11.8%
KIRIINDUS 2.1% 462 622 34.6%
SHILPAMED 2.1% 511 834 63.2%
ELECTCAST 1.7% 20.1 146 623.4%
ALOKINDS 0% 5.13 21.2 312.5%
FLFL 0.5% 75.3 2.07 97.3%
FSC 4.9% 644 1.92 99.7%
ZEEMEDIA 4.1% 38.7 19.9 48.5%
IWEL 1.4% 9,926 10,307 3.8%
BSLIMITED 0% 28.5 0.3 98.9%
PRAXIS 0.4% 91.1 19.3 78.9%
ESSARSHPNG 0.2% 7.3 36 393.0%
GKWLIMITED 0% 600 659 9.9%
BBOX 0.2% 16.7 675 3949.3%
ACE 0.4% 53.2 1,559 2830.6%
CONSOFINVT 0% 171 152 11.3%
GOKEX 0.5% 91.8 1,147 1149.6%
RPPINFRA 0.6% 114 197 71.9%
VIKASLIFE 0.5% 5.45 4.28 21.5%
CMICABLES 0% 138 4.95 96.4%
DNAMEDIA 1.4% 12.8 6.12 52.4%
Followers (4)