Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte.Ltd. · @integrated.core.strategies · 0 Followers
3.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (29 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NMDC 1.3% 111 280 152.6%
SBILIFE 0.3% 1,032 1,439 39.4%
RECLTD 0.1% 87.9 544 519.5%
HDFCAMC 0.2% 1,899 3,787 99.4%
HDFCLIFE 0.1% 565 570 0.8%
BOSCHLTD 0.6% 12,846 30,847 140.1%
EMBASSY 5.0% 355 356 0.2%
BHEL 3.5% 68.6 310 352.2%
ZEEL 4.3% 210 141 33.0%
LICHSGFIN 0.9% 330 646 95.6%
ARE&M 0.3% 746 1,158 55.2%
IPCALAB 0.6% 1,052 1,311 24.6%
ASHOKLEY 1.3% 42.5 210 395.2%
RCOM 1.2% 47 1.67 96.4%
NATIONALUM 2.7% 117 200 71.0%
CRAFTSMAN 0.2% 1,436 4,448 209.8%
GMMPFAUDLR 0.8% 1,700 1,394 18.0%
M&MFIN 0.2% 140 264 89.2%
EPL 1.1% 256 197 23.1%
BHARTIARTL 0.3% 514 1,348 162.4%
CROMPTON 2.6% 400 402 0.4%
BSE 0.4% 965 2,794 189.5%
BIOCON 0.4% 229 305 32.9%
BATAINDIA 1.4% 1,860 1,373 26.2%
AAVAS 0.9% 2,452 1,580 35.6%
RELCAPITAL 0% 65 11.8 81.9%
SAPPHIRE 0.3% 1,347 1,384 2.8%
RBLBANK 0.1% 129 252 94.9%
ECLERX 3.9% 967 2,366 144.6%