Jainam Share Consultants Pvt. Ltd. · @jainam.share.consultants1 · 0 Followers
15.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (27 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
IBREALEST 0.9% 77.8 150 93.2%
DHANI 0.4% 107 56.2 47.3%
INFIBEAM 0.9% 13.8 29.7 114.9%
ZOTA 1.7% 188 594 215.1%
OMAXE 0.8% 49.3 124 151.7%
THYROCARE 0.1% 489 644 31.8%
JPASSOCIAT 5.0% 7.96 8.22 3.3%
BLISSGVS 0.6% 91.5 114 24.5%
HPAL 0.6% 105 99.4 5.7%
GSS 5.0% 190 97.3 48.9%
WINPRO 1.4% 92 2.18 97.6%
RPPINFRA 3.8% 128 146 13.5%
ELECTHERM 1.8% 123 750 510.0%
NDL 0.1% 19.2 46.6 142.5%
BTML 2.0% 14.6 14.4 1.1%
NILAINFRA 1.4% 4.98 12.7 154.4%
MHLXMIRU 1.5% 202 206 2.0%
VHLTD 0% 14.8 116 680.5%
ASTRON 5.0% 26.1 27.3 4.8%
NILASPACES 1.9% 3.11 9.06 191.3%
PATINTLOG 1.3% 17.5 23 31.5%
TARMAT 2.0% 45.3 76.9 69.8%
UNIVAFOODS 0% 5 6.19 23.8%
GMBREW 1.0% 257 902 251.0%
BILPOWER 0% 1.76 0.55 68.8%
MADHAV 0.2% 45.6 47.9 4.9%
TOKYOPLAST 2.4% 29 122 320.3%