Jatesh Jain · @jatesh.jain · 1 Followers
20.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (12 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ARIES 0.4% 131 275 110.1%
AMDIND 0.5% 43.6 75.9 73.9%
GLOBALVECT 2.0% 73.5 217 195.8%
AROGRANITE 0.4% 57.4 60.2 5.0%
20MICRONS 1.4% 83 224 170.3%
MUKTAARTS 0.2% 42.6 68.5 60.8%
HARRMALAYA 0.5% 108 219 103.0%
SALZERELEC 2.2% 178 924 418.1%
ORTINLAB 3.6% 30.2 20.7 31.4%
SELAN 3.6% 163 749 360.6%
INDLMETER 0% 14.8 6.06 59.0%
INDOTECH 0.2% 108 1,786 1559.9%
Followers (1)