Jhaveri Trading And Investment Pvt Ltd · @jhaveri.trading.and2 · 0 Followers
-1.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
MEP 1.9% 62.1 7.26 88.3%
RUSHIL 4.4% 274 359 31.2%
LAMBODHARA 1.4% 282 163 42.3%
TPLPLASTEH 3.3% 49.2 94.4 91.8%
GSS 3.2% 104 100 3.8%
EXCEL 1.4% 2.9 0.68 76.6%
SAKUMA 0.9% 20.7 32.2 55.5%
KBCGLOBAL 4.5% 2.72 2.1 22.8%
GATECH 0.8% 7.59 1.24 83.7%
AAKASH 0% 7.28 15.7 115.2%
BHARATWIRE 2.2% 45.6 260 471.0%
SUNDARAM 11.2% 3.7 3.41 7.8%
SANCO 0% 47.5 9.2 80.6%
COMPINFO 4.9% 50.9 3.51 93.1%
SPYL 2.0% 0.25 5.16 1964.0%
MOHOTAIND 0% 7.4 4.56 38.4%
URJA 1.0% 20.1 20.9 3.6%