Kedia Securities Private Limited · @kedia.securities1 · 0 Followers
3.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (33 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ATULAUTO 1.1% 257 790 206.9%
REPRO 0.5% 404 633 56.8%
KTKBANK 0.9% 115 221 93.0%
VAIBHAVGBL 4.6% 116 322 176.3%
TEJASNET 1.2% 63.9 1,422 2126.3%
MHRIL 2.1% 149 441 196.1%
EVERESTIND 0.2% 406 1,216 199.3%
CERA 1.5% 1,786 9,008 404.4%
APARINDS 0.8% 393 8,792 2136.7%
SUDARSCHEM 2.4% 146 897 516.4%
DREDGECORP 1.5% 791 1,382 74.8%
HEUBACHIND 2.0% 877 467 46.7%
HERITGFOOD 3.4% 238 521 119.1%
RAMCOSYS 3.8% 202 363 80.1%
KOKUYOCMLN 0.1% 89.7 155 73.2%
ELECON 6.3% 67.5 1,289 1808.9%
AMBIKCO 0.4% 2,243 1,673 25.4%
AMRUTANJAN 0.4% 224 785 250.5%
NIITLTD 0.6% 80.9 116 43.9%
TALBROAUTO 0.3% 337 340 0.6%
NEULANDLAB 1.3% 490 7,662 1463.1%
SPECIALITY 0.9% 117 170 45.9%
APCOTEXIND 2.4% 93.3 438 369.2%
SALZERELEC 1.2% 240 935 288.8%
LIBERTSHOE 1.0% 263 422 60.6%
ASTEC 2.1% 192 1,428 642.8%
PREMEXPLN 1.9% 364 745 104.7%
VIPCLOTHNG 8.7% 39.2 47.5 21.0%
MIRCELECTR 0.7% 12.1 21 73.7%
LAKHNNATNL 0.2% 295 525 78.0%
ARIES 8.3% 248 298 20.1%
INDTERRAIN 2.6% 110 73.6 33.0%
TCPLPACK -0.0% 669 2,533 278.5%