Kotak Small Cap Fund · @kotak.small.cap1 · 0 Followers
30.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Consumer Durables
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (23 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
THERMAX 0.4% 955 5,216 446.3%
BLUESTARCO 0.4% 578 1,880 225.5%
LUXIND 3.7% 1,410 2,185 54.9%
KAJARIACER 0.2% 588 1,476 150.9%
CARBORUNIV 1.3% 416 1,499 260.1%
CYIENT 3.8% 666 2,053 208.4%
SOMANYCERA 0.3% 369 716 93.8%
NILKAMAL 0.7% 1,430 1,888 32.0%
LAURUSLABS 3.3% 93.5 485 418.7%
LXCHEM 1.7% 169 296 75.4%
STAR 1.5% 388 1,366 251.8%
FINCABLES 0.9% 291 1,404 382.5%
AMBER 1.0% 1,268 4,459 251.7%
GALAXYSURF 2.6% 1,340 3,251 142.7%
VSTTILLERS 1.2% 1,399 4,427 216.5%
BLUEDART 6.6% 2,011 8,632 329.2%
DHANUKA 1.9% 769 1,554 102.0%
SHOPERSTOP 1.8% 333 854 156.5%
SANDHAR 1.0% 212 596 180.7%
HINDOILEXP 2.6% 117 241 106.3%
ALKYLAMINE 7.1% 440 2,372 439.0%
HERITGFOOD -0.0% 297 578 95.0%
APOLLOPIPE 0.6% 131 618 372.6%