L&T Mutual Fund Trustee Ltd · @landt.mutual.fund47 · 0 Followers
24.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
INDIANB 2.7% 341 505 48.1%
KPRMILL 0.2% 124 859 594.1%
AARTIIND 0.4% 290 561 93.8%
FEDERALBNK 0.8% 78.8 186 135.6%
FSC 0.8% 525 2.48 99.5%
APARINDS 1.2% 680 10,000 1369.8%
RATNAMANI 1.6% 712 3,714 421.9%
WELSPUNLIV 0.3% 52.5 178 239.6%
AKZOINDIA 1.4% 2,173 3,748 72.5%
SHOPERSTOP 1.8% 545 854 56.5%
VSTIND 1.2% 3,704 438 88.2%
JKIL 1.4% 348 769 120.6%
SPLPETRO 1.1% 187 886 375.0%
JAMNAAUTO 2.1% 50.9 124 143.0%
OCCL 0.1% 794 264 66.8%
AKSHARCHEM 0.9% 623 340 45.3%