Lgof Global Opportunities Limited · @lgof.global.opportunities · 0 Followers
29.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
FINCABLES 1.2% 425 1,364 220.9%
ASHAPURMIN 0.5% 56.4 305 440.6%
ASTEC 1.6% 611 1,137 86.0%
ORIENTCER 2.2% 35 51.4 46.8%
RTNINDIA 0.6% 3.63 73.1 1913.8%
AJRINFRA 0% 0.75 0.68 9.3%
PANAMAPET 0.6% 27.9 391 1300.0%
VIKASECO 2.2% 2.35 3.54 50.7%
WINPRO 1.5% 6.05 1.91 68.4%