Manoj Kumar · @manoj917 · 0 Followers
9.9% IRR
Member since Nov. 17, 2021
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@manoj917 shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (11 stocks)
Company LTP Change
AMBUJACEM 548.9 2.5%
ITBEES 46.9 2.8%
NIFTYBEES 264.2 1.5%
MARICO 628.3 2.0%
HINDUNILVR 2335.0 1.1%
ICICIBANK 1285.7 0.1%
HDFCBANK 1772.1 1.2%
TECHM 1685.2 4.0%
HCLTECH 1911.2 1.1%
JUBLPHARMA 1063.1 2.7%
MANALIPETC 63.8 3.6%