Massachusetts Institute Of Technology · · 2 Followers
45.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (35 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GRANULES 0.5% 405 540 33.2%
GLOBUSSPR 2.0% 823 1,291 56.9%
EQUITAS 0% 94 120 27.6%
MARKSANS 16.0% 158 318 101.3%
KSCL 1.2% 533 1,069 100.3%
TANLA 1.1% 524 939 79.1%
CMSINFO 3.7% 356 577 62.0%
MATRIMONY 0.8% 452 769 70.4%
KEI 2.4% 395 4,287 984.0%
ITDCEM 19.0% 70.2 561 699.5%
AWHCL 1.7% 400 698 74.6%
IEX 2.8% 41.7 232 455.6%
CARBORUNIV 0.7% 310 1,501 384.0%
CHAMBLFERT 0.4% 149 481 222.7%
NIITLTD 2.0% 91.3 175 92.1%
RADICO 0.6% 305 2,129 599.2%
REDINGTON 0.8% 46 190 312.2%
POWERINDIA 0.6% 840 12,790 1422.2%
RKFORGE 0.2% 92.8 1,007 985.0%
NEWGEN 3.5% 116 1,322 1044.5%
SATIN 0.0% 218 208 4.5%
GREAVESCOT 0.1% 138 176 28.1%
GAEL 2.7% 60.4 125 107.1%
WABAG 8.6% 260 1,522 484.9%
BALRAMCHIN 1.7% 115 594 414.8%
KPITTECH 1.0% 42.6 1,661 3798.6%
NCC 3.1% 52.9 315 495.8%
SGIL 0.4% 174 430 147.0%
SYNGENE 0.8% 560 910 62.4%
NELCO 2.4% 197 1,062 439.9%
THANGAMAYL 1.9% 194 2,230 1049.1%
MMP 0% 86.1 402 367.2%
ACCURACY 0% 3.59 12.6 250.1%
MACPOWER 0.1% 70.1 1,437 1949.7%
XELPMOC 1.8% 59.1 121 105.2%
Followers (2)