Mita Dipak Shah · @mita.dipak.shah1 · 1 Followers
N/A IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
KINGFA 0.3% 900 3,255 261.6%
APCOTEXIND 2.8% 97.4 417 327.9%
ASOCSTONE 2.0% 18.5 56.2 203.4%
ELNET 2.1% 144 356 147.6%
BANARBEADS 6.3% 50.9 105 106.0%
XPROINDIA 2.1% 20 1,090 5350.8%
JUMBO 0.5% 25.9 46 77.9%
CUBEXTUB 2.2% 11.2 101 803.6%
APLAB 3.8% 21.7 85.3 292.9%
Followers (1)