Mittal Rimpy · @mittal.rimpy · 0 Followers
106.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NGIL 0.4% 49.6 43.1 12.9%
TFL 2.0% 10.7 24.5 129.3%
AAREYDRUGS 0.7% 41.4 47.7 15.3%
WEWIN 2.0% 46.2 74.5 61.2%
ONELIFECAP 1.9% 13.7 17.7 28.9%
CYBERMEDIA 3.5% 17.5 24.8 41.4%
JAIPURKURT 0% 101 52.2 48.6%
UNIINFO 2.3% 23.2 41.5 78.9%
VASWANI 2.2% 23 34.6 50.0%
SAGARDEEP 1.4% 31.2 27.6 11.5%