Monet Securities Private Ltd · @monet.securities1 · 1 Followers
33.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GMRP&UI 5.0% 53.3 94.5 77.4%
EVEREADY 12.3% 79.6 405 408.5%
CONSOFINVT 0% 148 152 2.6%
USHAMART 0.9% 24.1 407 1588.6%
SPENCERS 1.5% 114 85.5 24.8%
BKMINDST 4.5% 20.8 1.47 92.9%
SPMLINFRA 4.8% 151 193 27.8%
DHUNINV 0.3% 139 1,352 872.4%
AMBASARABH 2.4% 37.1 54.4 46.5%
JINDALPHOT 1.1% 25.4 881 3360.5%
Followers (1)