Morgan Stanley France S.A. · @morgan.stanley.france1 · 0 Followers
17.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (40 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JSWSTEEL 1.3% 292 950 225.1%
PFC 5.7% 107 531 394.6%
IBULHSGFIN 1.2% 944 170 82.0%
MFSL 1.7% 573 997 73.9%
SHRIRAMFIN 1.1% 1,061 2,857 169.1%
HEG 0.2% 3,262 2,217 32.0%
IBREALEST 1.0% 152 151 0.2%
FORTIS 2.6% 181 471 160.4%
JUBLFOOD 0.9% 114 570 398.4%
SUZLON 1.0% 18.9 53.5 183.2%
RELINFRA 1.1% 316 185 41.4%
CESC 0.3% 85.8 159 85.3%
EQUITAS 0% 172 120 30.3%
GMRINFRA 0.7% 19.6 96.5 392.1%
BSOFT 0.2% 273 711 160.1%
IEX 0.1% 54.3 185 241.1%
PVRINOX 0.5% 1,605 1,462 8.9%
SPTL 0% 59.1 1.05 98.2%
DELTACORP 0.6% 207 132 36.1%
RAYMOND 0.6% 806 2,962 267.6%
KSCL 2.7% 650 960 47.8%
BALRAMCHIN 1.6% 133 429 223.0%
ALLCARGO 0.1% 170 61.9 63.7%
RADICO 1.4% 295 1,724 484.5%
GRANULES 1.9% 139 500 259.0%
SITINET 1.5% 24.1 0.67 97.2%
UJJIVAN 0% 319 590 85.1%
HDIL 0% 73.9 4.34 94.1%
COFORGE 0.3% 550 5,674 931.9%
PCBL 0.7% 89.6 258 187.4%
PTC 2.0% 92.6 213 130.2%
JUSTDIAL 0.3% 382 1,022 167.6%
RNAVAL 0% 28.2 2.27 91.9%
GRAPHITE 0.0% 196 578 194.2%
DHAMPURSUG 0.5% 260 223 14.5%
GITANJALI 0% 67.3 1.05 98.4%
DWARKESH 0.0% 63.3 75.4 19.0%
TALWALKARS 0% 317 1.45 99.5%
ARIHANTSUP 3.0% 188 346 84.3%
CAMLINFINE 0.6% 87.3 103 17.9%