Mukul Mahavir Prasad Agrawal · @mukul.mahavir.prasad3 · 0 Followers
31.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
IONEXCHANG 5.2% 1,870 655 65.0%
NEWGEN 1.2% 298 1,294 334.4%
TASTYBITE 1.4% 7,498 12,536 67.2%
LTFOODS 0.3% 35 393 1022.9%
INFOBEAN 0.1% 147 420 186.8%
DYNAMATECH 1.0% 1,714 7,778 353.8%
MARKSANS 0.4% 26 290 1015.7%
MBLINFRA 4.9% 203 63.2 68.8%
RELIGARE 3.1% 20 279 1294.0%
CORDSCABLE 0.6% 62.8 210 234.6%
TANEJAERO 0.0% 140 485 246.4%
ARROWGREEN 2.6% 495 789 59.2%
BBL 0.3% 704 4,690 566.0%
CTE -0.0% 91.7 109 18.9%
MITCON 2.4% 41 124 201.2%
UMANGDAIRY 2.0% 72.1 98 35.9%
TOTAL 0% 33 127 284.6%