Mukul Maheshwari · @mukul.maheshwari · 1 Followers
47.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (19 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
STARPAPER 3.5% 178 274 53.6%
NDRAUTO 1.6% 167 891 433.1%
DSSL 9.6% 78.9 1,326 1580.3%
TAINWALCHM 1.7% 80.6 185 129.4%
BPL 0.7% 37.6 134 256.9%
DENORA 0.9% 407 1,859 356.6%
TARMAT 5.0% 58 80.8 39.2%
CORDSCABLE 1.4% 62.6 229 265.0%
OMAXAUTO 2.0% 59.8 154 157.7%
PRESSMN 0% 29 268 823.9%
CINELINE 1.2% 30.1 136 350.5%
AUTOLITIND 0% 83.6 15.5 81.5%
INDBANK 1.4% 13.9 49.1 253.9%
HISARMETAL 3.4% 91.3 205 124.5%
TOKYOPLAST 0.9% 83.7 121 44.5%
AGRITECH 0.4% 111 201 80.5%
SANCO 0% 19.7 9.2 53.3%
ALKALI 0.9% 53.1 147 177.8%
KARMAENG 5.0% 55.4 74.1 33.7%
Followers (1)