Mukul Maheshwari Huf · @mukul.maheshwari.huf · 0 Followers
55.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (29 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
DSSL 3.2% 190 1,210 537.0%
BROOKS 0.8% 105 87 16.9%
ARIHANTCAP 0.8% 55.4 71.7 29.4%
BIOFILCHEM 2.2% 97.3 69.8 28.3%
HISARMETAL 1.2% 144 198 37.7%
SILGO 3.9% 37.2 37 0.6%
SICALLOG 0% 18.2 168 827.8%
REFEX 1.9% 148 211 42.8%
APOLLO 2.0% 163 107 34.6%
VARDMNPOLY 1.9% 30.2 9.24 69.4%
AMBICAAGAR 0.6% 33.2 26.4 20.5%
IZMO 5.3% 105 413 292.0%
TARMAT 2.0% 73.1 76.9 5.2%
BANARBEADS 0.2% 78.6 103 31.4%
BALPHARMA 2.6% 107 123 15.3%
ALKALI 2.0% 94.9 146 54.0%
TAINWALCHM 0.0% 88.4 188 113.0%
ORTINLAB 3.6% 29.5 20.7 29.7%
UNIVASTU 0% 83.8 210 150.5%
KEYFINSERV 0.0% 136 187 37.1%
TIMESGTY 1.0% 67.3 131 95.0%
VAISHALI 4.2% 45.2 162 257.4%
ARCHIES -0.0% 23.8 25.9 8.8%
ELECTHERM 1.8% 166 750 351.9%
INDOTECH 0.2% 226 1,786 691.3%
GLOBALVECT 2.0% 57.8 217 276.0%
AGROPHOS 3.4% 18.2 48.7 166.6%
INDLMETER 0% 16.3 6.06 62.8%
TCIFINANCE 2.0% 18.1 17.6 2.8%