Nalanda India Equity Fund Limited · @nalanda.india.equity6 · 1 Followers
-23.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ARE&M 2.0% 772 1,418 83.7%
AIAENG 0.6% 1,158 4,332 274.0%
HAVELLS 0.3% 275 1,873 580.2%
DBCORP 1.1% 395 329 16.7%
MRF 1.2% 59,992 1,34,321 123.9%
THERMAX 1.1% 892 4,328 385.0%
JUSTDIAL 1.8% 875 1,239 41.7%
SUNDARMFIN 2.0% 1,202 4,798 299.3%
NAUKRI 0.7% 850 7,423 772.8%
GESHIP 2.9% 360 1,294 259.6%
CERA 0.2% 2,320 9,181 295.8%
ADVENZYMES 1.4% 270 456 68.9%
VGUARD 0.3% 83.4 466 458.9%
TRITURBINE 1.4% 107 745 594.1%
TTKPRESTIG 1.1% 281 915 225.8%
NRBBEARING 1.3% 131 323 147.4%
MATRIMONY 0.5% 483 800 65.5%
RATNAMANI 2.6% 463 3,809 723.5%
JYOTHYLAB 1.6% 155 546 252.3%
AHLUCONT 0.6% 225 1,189 429.5%
ELGIEQUIP 0.1% 61.7 708 1048.1%
EXIDEIND 2.5% 178 483 171.7%
VOLTAMP 0.9% 763 13,775 1705.7%
CARBORUNIV 1.9% 179 1,512 745.4%
THYROCARE 0.8% 500 857 71.4%
Followers (1)