Narendra Kumar Agarwal · @narendra.kumar.agarwal · 0 Followers
21.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
AJANTPHARM 0.3% 621 2,286 268.4%
NILKAMAL 1.5% 1,269 1,947 53.4%
APLAPOLLO 0.7% 51.7 1,555 2906.1%
GHCL 0.0% 129 551 325.7%
PARAGMILK 0.5% 247 175 29.0%
HIMATSEIDE 0.3% 92.2 139 50.5%
VIPCLOTHNG 3.0% 57.4 39.6 31.1%
ASTEC 1.1% 192 1,301 576.7%
GENUSPOWER 0.8% 56.1 310 452.5%
AXISCADES 1.4% 172 524 205.2%