Navy Stock Consultant Private Limited · @navy.stock.consultant · 0 Followers
24.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GEECEE 2.2% 164 413 151.7%
PIONDIST 0% 344 181 47.5%
AROGRANITE 0.1% 67.7 57.8 14.6%
ALPA 5.0% 38.4 124 222.3%
CANTABIL 0.2% 102 239 135.2%
IMFA 1.1% 186 704 277.7%
GOLDTECH 3.3% 20.4 93.6 359.9%
JUBLINDS 0.2% 202 1,659 720.7%
VINYLINDIA 0.8% 104 386 272.1%