Nemish S Shah · @nemish.s.shah2 · 0 Followers
N/A IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (11 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ASAHIINDIA 5.0% 289 709 145.2%
LAXMIMACH 1.4% 5,828 15,862 172.2%
JSWSTEEL 0.9% 166 947 470.1%
BANARISUG 0.9% 1,596 3,265 104.6%
EIDPARRY 0.2% 235 814 245.9%
HITECHGEAR 0.1% 255 868 239.9%
JTEKTINDIA 0.4% 52 166 220.0%
ELGIEQUIP 0.5% 64.6 736 1039.1%
ZODIACLOTH 0.4% 198 123 37.8%
RICOAUTO 0.9% 41.7 115 174.9%
SUPERSPIN 5.0% 6.15 11.3 83.4%