Neon Vinimay Private Limited · @neon.vinimay1 · 0 Followers
13.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (13 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
PNC 2.9% 25.7 67.9 164.4%
SHYAMTEL 2.0% 34.9 14.7 57.9%
SOMATEX 0.9% 15.3 33.2 116.9%
SALORAINTL 0.8% 69.2 63.9 7.6%
NAHARPOLY 8.4% 57.3 325 467.5%
ARIES 8.3% 113 298 162.9%
LOTUSEYE 0.9% 17.4 57.6 231.8%
PITTIENG 1.4% 52.2 1,155 2112.6%
PAEL 3.9% 17.2 4.27 75.2%
HILTON 2.2% 24.8 90.3 264.8%
HARRMALAYA 2.3% 93.1 214 129.6%
GOACARBON 0.9% 97.3 808 730.6%
JINDALPHOT 1.1% 87.1 881 911.1%