New Leaina Investments Limited · · 0 Followers
23.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Oil & Gas
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
INDUSINDBK 0.2% 1,162 1,437 23.7%
ADANIGREEN 0.0% 61.2 1,755 2767.0%
GULFOILLUB 1.9% 519 1,267 144.3%
PATANJALI 1.4% 36.1 1,626 4403.3%
WINPRO 0.9% 58 2.2 96.2%
NDL 0.2% 46 46.5 1.2%
ORIENTCER 2.0% 22.4 55 146.0%
RUSHIL 4.4% 571 359 37.1%
PGEL 0.4% 400 3,707 826.3%
RPPINFRA 1.5% 234 144 38.6%
VISHAL 7.8% 38.6 26 32.5%
GOCLCORP 0.4% 292 457 56.3%
VIKASECO 2.5% 23.6 3.89 83.5%
ZICOM 0% 177 1.6 99.1%
ADFFOODS 1.5% 60.8 229 276.7%
CNOVAPETRO 3.4% 35 32 8.4%
BHANDARI 3.3% 2.9 7.68 164.8%