Nomura Singapore Limited · @nomura.singapore · 1 Followers
20.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (47 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
DHANI 1.2% 281 57.9 79.4%
ADANIENT 3.6% 166 3,081 1754.0%
EMBDL 2.9% 139 139 0.1%
NATCOPHARM 0.6% 578 1,332 130.4%
DISHTV 0.8% 81.7 15.8 80.6%
GMRINFRA 3.5% 16.6 97.4 488.0%
INOXWIND 3.1% 28.1 170 503.4%
CHOLAHLDNG 3.1% 473 1,526 222.8%
MCX 1.0% 1,335 4,141 210.1%
EASEMYTRIP 0.9% 44.6 42.6 4.3%
OMAXE 5.0% 151 145 3.8%
BLS 4.8% 111 352 217.4%
INFIBEAM 9.2% 41.9 31.3 25.3%
RUSHIL 0.7% 597 347 41.9%
EDELWEISS 1.8% 60 65.6 9.3%
DBREALTY 0.4% 70 205 192.6%
SEAMECLTD 0.2% 452 1,575 248.6%
PRICOLLTD 0.2% 89.5 496 454.9%
ONMOBILE 8.5% 104 89.2 14.6%
CEREBRAINT 4.9% 22.1 9.17 58.6%
PNCINFRA 0.2% 175 513 193.2%
RBA 1.6% 119 108 9.0%
POLICYBZR 1.5% 763 1,498 96.4%
ZOMATO 2.5% 94.7 225 137.1%
NCLIND 1.2% 222 233 4.6%
RAMASTEEL 0% 8.28 10.2 23.5%
TDPOWERSYS 1.9% 221 391 76.8%
CAMS 0.1% 2,766 4,032 45.8%
RPPINFRA 1.4% 214 198 7.8%
EVEREADY 0.2% 217 422 94.8%
TFCILTD 0.7% 110 187 71.0%
VISHAL 2.2% 37.4 31.6 15.7%
DWARKESH 0.6% 26.4 74.5 182.6%
CSBBANK 0.6% 214 358 67.1%
VIKASLIFE 0.4% 3.25 5.09 56.6%
HDIL 0% 89.2 3.74 95.8%
NAVKARCORP 1.1% 168 148 11.7%
HUBTOWN 5.0% 130 221 69.8%
DEEPENR 4.4% 231 174 24.6%
TREEHOUSE 1.9% 178 22.6 87.3%
VIKASECO 0.3% 5.35 3.76 29.7%
LYPSAGEMS 3.1% 48 6.31 86.9%
VARDHACRLC 0.4% 46 64 39.2%
ANSALAPI 4.4% 23.9 9.71 59.3%
PARACABLES 2.8% 8.45 75.2 789.8%
VCL 0% 17.8 1.55 91.3%
UFO 2.6% 597 132 77.9%
Followers (1)