Non Resident Indians · @non.resident.indians12 · 0 Followers
26.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JSWSTEEL 1.3% 90.8 943 938.4%
RCOM 4.9% 72.2 1.94 97.3%
MCX 0.5% 909 3,905 329.6%
ADANIPOWER 0.1% 34 719 2015.4%
AVANTIFEED 2.6% 220 615 179.7%
STLTECH 4.8% 89 143 61.2%
GVKPIL 1.2% 7.95 11.1 40.0%
MIRZAINT 0.2% 133 44.1 66.8%
GUJGASLTD 2.9% 93.1 647 594.5%
ORIENTPPR 0.5% 26 55.2 112.2%
DIAMONDYD 1.1% 1,248 910 27.1%
BAFNAPH 5.0% 26.7 77.8 191.3%
HOCL 1.9% 18.8 46.1 145.3%
DTIL 0.2% 154 214 39.2%
NH 1.3% 337 1,218 261.5%
VXLINSTR 0.2% 11.2 4.6 58.8%
UMESLTD 6.7% 3.6 5.59 55.3%