Non Resident Indians Non Repat · @non.resident.indians15 · 0 Followers
11.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
INDUSINDBK 1.1% 960 1,408 46.7%
TECHM 1.1% 570 1,623 184.9%
AUBANK 0.1% 271 703 159.7%
AJANTPHARM 0.7% 1,040 3,354 222.5%
HAVELLS 0.3% 259 1,873 622.3%
CENTURYTEX 1.4% 529 2,408 355.0%
ROLTA 0% 104 4.22 95.9%
BSOFT 1.0% 110 653 494.4%
ATUL 1.2% 1,585 7,889 397.7%
EDELWEISS 4.0% 59 118 100.2%
KEC 0.4% 157 992 533.2%
RGL 3.3% 25.2 115 357.8%
INDRAMEDCO 4.2% 67.3 471 600.4%
GREENLAM 0.2% 124 556 350.0%
WELENT 4.3% 56.9 546 859.8%
UNIVCABLES 2.9% 50.6 666 1217.1%