Orange Mauritius Investments Ltd · @orange.mauritius.investments3 · 0 Followers
28.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NATCOPHARM 1.0% 306 1,385 352.7%
TRANSPEK 0.6% 1,975 1,597 19.2%
THEINVEST 1.2% 311 198 36.5%
JSWHL 5.0% 941 16,889 1695.3%
MANINDS 0.5% 61.2 326 433.4%
KESORAMIND 3.2% 98.4 227 130.9%
SONATSOFTW 3.5% 50.7 628 1137.0%
TANEJAERO 2.6% 140 451 222.2%
DIACABS 2.0% 6.48 151 2232.6%
MEP 4.9% 45.8 3.19 93.0%
ASIANTILES 2.0% 145 71.7 50.6%
TIIL 3.7% 168 2,858 1596.4%
NDL 0.2% 2.32 4.98 114.5%
PUNJCOMMU 0.6% 37.6 55.8 48.3%
PONNIERODE 0.8% 180 411 128.4%
CREST 2.5% 60.8 436 616.3%
GRAVITA 3.5% 28.6 2,252 7786.3%
3PLAND 1.9% 10 62 519.8%