Orion Stocks Ltd · @orion.stocks · 0 Followers
13.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Building Materials
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JAYSREETEA 1.8% 106 133 25.8%
LIBERTSHOE 3.0% 171 481 180.7%
HARRMALAYA 0.9% 130 231 77.4%
AAATECH 1.6% 63.1 142 124.5%
CINELINE 0.4% 43.8 119 171.9%
BANARBEADS 0.6% 92.6 98.9 6.8%
HISARMETAL 0.2% 152 191 25.2%
ORTINGLOBE 1.5% 24.6 21 14.6%
AROGRANITE 2.8% 43.2 57.9 34.2%
VINYLINDIA 0.9% 103 410 296.5%