Param Capital Research Pvt. Ltd. · · 0 Followers
55.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ORIENTELEC 1.5% 123 266 117.2%
DYNAMATECH 1.6% 1,964 7,125 262.7%
SHREYAS 0.9% 341 345 1.1%
INTELLECT 0.4% 82 1,081 1218.0%
SHANKARA 0.9% 296 712 140.6%
HONDAPOWER 1.0% 898 4,111 357.9%
ARROWGREEN 1.8% 472 591 25.3%
ITDCEM 5.7% 49.3 455 822.6%
LUMAXIND 1.4% 435 2,959 579.7%
ORIENTPPR 1.5% 26.4 57.5 117.7%
LOVABLE 2.0% 331 134 59.5%
INDTERRAIN 2.6% 128 73.6 42.3%
NRAIL 1.4% 235 500 113.1%
VIPCLOTHNG 8.7% 42.4 47.5 11.9%
KDDL 0.3% 200 3,301 1550.4%
VIMTALABS 2.1% 68.1 513 652.9%
SINGER 0.9% 60.2 90.7 50.5%