Polus Global Fund · @polus.global.fund · 0 Followers
-3.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Portfolio (21 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ZEELEARN 2.0% 44.9 7.82 82.6%
ADANIGREEN 0.1% 69.2 1,774 2463.6%
BLISSGVS 0.6% 155 103 33.4%
INFIBEAM 0.0% 14.4 30 108.7%
SITINET 1.5% 21.8 0.67 96.9%
NDL 0.5% 39.4 47.9 21.6%
RADICO 1.4% 112 1,724 1440.7%
MEP 1.9% 77.1 7.7 90.0%
TFCILTD 2.8% 135 206 52.6%
TREEHOUSE 2.0% 80 26.8 66.5%
SHALBY 1.8% 106 276 159.8%
SANGAMIND 0.8% 90 410 355.2%
MITCON 0.1% 54.1 130 140.2%
TITAGARH 1.3% 47 1,780 3683.8%
ANSALAPI 0.5% 18 9.29 48.4%
EROSMEDIA 1.1% 22.8 19.8 13.2%
GOKEX 0.7% 88.7 958 980.1%
SIMPLEXINF 4.8% 44.5 140 214.7%
RSSOFTWARE 5.0% 44.8 268 497.9%
GKB 1.3% 92.7 111 19.7%
GRAVITA 0.8% 28.6 1,451 4982.7%