Rahul Doshi · @rahul.doshi1 · 0 Followers
14.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Oil & Gas
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (15 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GOACARBON 3.0% 503 759 51.0%
QUICKHEAL 5.6% 396 615 55.4%
MBLINFRA 5.0% 34.6 63.7 84.2%
ROLTA 0% 16.4 4.52 72.4%
MANINDS 1.9% 69 458 563.5%
RELCAPITAL 0% 8.03 11.8 46.8%
VENUSREM 4.4% 120 385 221.2%
SMSLIFE 0.5% 352 861 144.7%
KAMATHOTEL 2.8% 112 208 85.0%
HDIL 0% 24.1 3.74 84.5%
RIIL 1.9% 373 1,275 241.9%
HISARMETAL 1.4% 80.9 200 147.2%
NAGREEKEXP 2.3% 46 40.1 12.8%
NELCO 2.7% 105 810 674.5%
LAMBODHARA 3.9% 78.3 159 103.3%