Raviraj Developers Limited · @raviraj.developers · 0 Followers
24.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ANDHRAPAP 3.2% 482 585 21.3%
KESARENT 4.8% 63.3 187 195.3%
MANUGRAPH 3.6% 18.7 22 18.1%
MAWANASUG 2.3% 85.8 117 36.9%
KECL 3.0% 30.1 196 548.4%
SALORAINTL 5.0% 40.8 65.5 60.5%
GKB 0.1% 92.7 101 9.3%
GOACARBON 0.2% 80.7 809 902.4%
GANGESSECU 7.0% 44.2 182 311.8%
AGRITECH 0.0% 142 200 40.9%
EUROTEXIND 2.3% 36.2 14 61.5%
SHAHALLOYS 0.4% 36 62.2 72.9%
XPROINDIA 0.1% 17.4 991 5594.8%
SIMBHALS 2.8% 7.45 32.3 333.7%