Religare Securities Ltd · @religare.securities · 0 Followers
7.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Services
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
KSCL 1.7% 411 872 112.1%
TREEHOUSE 2.0% 148 17.3 88.3%
CIGNITITEC 0.1% 281 1,850 559.3%
VIPULLTD 2.0% 39 23.8 39.1%
BHARATWIRE 0.1% 45.5 216 374.5%
PUNJCOMMU 1.8% 37.6 54.9 46.0%
RISHIPACK 3.1% 31.9 55.4 73.5%
GMBREW 1.3% 321 792 146.6%
MADHAV 0.0% 45.6 59.9 31.1%
TOKYOPLAST 0.6% 29 129 345.2%