Ruchit Bharat Patel · @ruchit.bharat.patel1 · 0 Followers
36.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (21 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
SPIC 1.4% 34.6 83.7 141.6%
GRWRHITECH 1.8% 849 2,572 203.0%
TRANSPEK 0.2% 1,975 1,753 11.2%
TEXINFRA 1.5% 42.5 142 235.1%
BALLARPUR 0% 13.8 0.89 93.6%
CENTUM 0.9% 417 1,647 295.4%
NATPEROXID 3.4% 1,847 1,104 40.2%
MORARJEE 0% 56.2 14.5 74.2%
TNPL 1.5% 112 287 156.3%
ZUARI 0.4% 90.5 225 148.5%
CGPOWER 0.2% 9.35 721 7615.0%
SAURASHCEM 1.4% 76.2 135 77.4%
RSWM 2.3% 100 223 122.5%
ALPHAGEO 0.1% 474 406 14.3%
HIL 0.8% 522 2,943 464.0%
HTMEDIA 0.3% 14.1 27.9 97.7%
PONNIERODE 7.4% 213 520 143.9%
JISLDVREQS 2.4% 53 41.4 21.9%
JISLJALEQS 3.0% 8.3 71.8 765.7%
SHRERAJSYN 0% 4.3 10.3 139.5%
ESSENTIA 2.0% 0.72 3.97 454.0%