Santosh Industries Ltd · · 0 Followers
97.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JAIBALAJI 2.8% 49.6 1,115 2150.0%
DISHTV 0.2% 22.1 13.5 39.2%
TFCILTD 1.7% 167 170 1.8%
BEPL 2.0% 112 154 37.3%
BRNL 0.9% 190 47.7 74.9%
SPENCERS 1.4% 107 106 1.5%
MANGLMCEM 3.9% 324 922 184.8%
DPWIRES 3.1% 509 424 16.7%
TANFACIND 1.3% 333 2,081 525.0%
KILBUNENGG 0.7% 98.2 412 319.7%
GULFPETRO 1.1% 64.4 86.3 34.0%
GSS 3.7% 92.6 74.3 19.8%
SPMLINFRA 1.9% 32.7 270 725.4%
SICALLOG 0% 16.5 186 1030.8%