Satvasheel Powar · @satvasheel · 0 Followers
11.1% IRR · Invests via Zerodha
Member since May 23, 2020
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@satvasheel shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (18 stocks)
Company LTP Change
RELIANCE 1206 2.0%
HDFCBANK 1772.1 1.2%
TCS 4168.1 2.4%
BHARTIARTL 1578.3 1.3%
HINDUNILVR 2335.0 1.1%
INFY 1922.1 1.3%
DMART 3408.5 2.6%
ASIANPAINT 2283.1 0.4%
SBIN 812.5 2.4%
BAJFINANCE 6836.6 1.1%
BAJAJ-AUTO 8786.7 2.1%
PIDILITIND 2975.7 0.4%
DRREDDY 1342.5 1.2%
GODREJCP 1070.5 0.8%
ICICIGI 1894.2 0.1%
HDFCAMC 4248.4 3.3%
ADFFOODS 326.9 3.6%
DELTACORP 113.3 3.3%