Seetha Kumari · @seetha.kumari1 · 0 Followers
-15.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (15 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JINDALPOLY 1.5% 308 711 130.7%
HGS 0.2% 314 823 162.2%
NILKAMAL 0.2% 935 1,913 104.6%
IMFA 1.2% 241 672 178.6%
UFLEX 3.1% 203 679 234.7%
VINDHYATEL 0.8% 586 2,391 307.7%
AARTIDRUGS 0.7% 107 514 381.4%
HUHTAMAKI 1.6% 199 389 95.4%
SANDESH 0.4% 529 1,818 243.7%
SUMMITSEC 1.2% 540 2,792 417.2%
JINDRILL 0.2% 121 610 405.4%
ASIANTILES 1.3% 145 88.9 38.7%
SUPERHOUSE 0.2% 215 228 6.0%
OCCL 0.3% 719 259 63.9%
KHAITANLTD 2.0% 12.5 92.1 639.6%