Share India Securities Limited · @share.india.securities · 0 Followers
-5.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (30 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
IDEA 3.9% 8.64 7.4 14.4%
DELTACORP 3.3% 213 113 46.9%
TFCILTD 3.6% 109 161 47.9%
GANECOS 2.2% 154 2,220 1341.7%
RPOWER 4.5% 12.9 44.8 245.9%
PCJEWELLER 4.8% 190 16.9 91.1%
YESBANK 2.6% 21.2 19.8 6.3%
NAHARCAP 3.9% 68.2 326 378.3%
JPASSOCIAT 0% 15.7 6.93 55.8%
CANTABIL 4.7% 22.8 263 1053.9%
INDSWFTLAB 2.0% 101 108 7.5%
KBCGLOBAL 1.0% 2.87 2.1 26.9%
SANCO 0% 111 9.2 91.7%
RELCAPITAL 0% 150 11.8 92.2%
VIPULLTD 2.0% 18.5 25.7 39.2%
RBLBANK 7.0% 118 153 30.0%
ARVIND 4.8% 113 414 266.8%
FCONSUMER 0% 2.06 0.67 67.5%
JUSTDIAL 2.7% 340 983 189.1%
INVENTURE 1.4% 3.92 2.1 46.4%
RAMASTEEL 2.6% 4.54 12.2 169.6%
WINPRO 3.4% 7.18 3.44 52.1%
HDIL 1.5% 56 3.9 93.0%
SOUTHBANK 0.5% 13.9 25.1 81.0%
BCP 3.2% 4.94 4.23 14.3%
MADHAV 2.6% 45.6 62.3 36.4%
TOKYOPLAST 3.7% 29 128 341.4%
HCC 1.3% 20.8 43.5 109.0%
JISLDVREQS 3.9% 18.3 35.6 94.1%
LIBAS 1.6% 44.6 16.4 63.1%