Shashi Shekhar · @shashi · 2 Followers
8.8% IRR
Member since Jan. 14, 2017
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@shashi shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (14 stocks)
Company LTP Change
APOLLOHOSP 6909.9 0.3%
ASIANPAINT 3274.5 1.1%
DABUR 644.6 0.0%
EMAMILTD 832.9 0.2%
GODREJCP 1445.0 0.9%
HDFCBANK 1637 0.5%
INFY 1902.2 1.6%
ITC 501.7 1.9%
MARUTI 12184.1 0.9%
RELIANCE 2929.9 1.9%
TATAMOTORS 1048.7 1.9%
TCS 4457.5 0.5%
TITAN 3693.8 0.7%
ZEEL 134.4 0.8%
Followers (2)
Following (1)