Shri Mukta Shares · @shri.mukta.shares · 0 Followers
57.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GLOBE 0% 3.55 4.99 40.6%
KANANIIND 1.1% 4.2 2.78 33.8%
ATALREAL 3.4% 11.4 8.47 25.8%
SICALLOG 0% 16.4 174 964.4%
NAGREEKEXP 1.2% 48.2 38.5 20.0%
VIKASWSP 1.3% 4.05 1.61 60.2%
VCL 0% 3.27 1.55 52.5%
ANSALHSG 2.0% 6.94 21 203.2%
LOTUSEYE 4.6% 51.7 77.7 50.3%