Societe Generale - Odi · @societe.generale.odi · 0 Followers
26.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
AXISBANK 0.2% 1,050 1,138 8.4%
VEDL 0.6% 161 436 170.1%
BANDHANBNK 0.8% 323 181 43.9%
PAYTM 0.5% 555 340 38.7%
PVRINOX 0.4% 1,561 1,327 14.9%
PNB 0.4% 28.3 126 343.5%
COFORGE 0.0% 4,950 4,682 5.4%
CANBK 0.9% 90.2 115 27.1%
SAPPHIRE 0.8% 1,377 1,377 0.0%
LAURUSLABS 0.3% 105 441 320.1%
INFIBEAM 0.7% 23.8 32.4 36.3%
STAR 0.2% 413 870 110.6%
NRBBEARING 0.1% 112 323 187.6%
LGBBROSLTD -0.0% 310 1,269 309.5%