Stichting Depositary Apg Emerging Markets Equity P · @stichting.depositary.apg4 · 0 Followers
15.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
AXISBANK 0.2% 799 1,143 43.0%
BANDHANBNK 0.9% 351 183 47.9%
AUROPHARMA 3.3% 708 1,203 69.9%
VEDL 3.6% 90 459 409.2%
CROMPTON 2.6% 333 402 20.5%
GLENMARK 2.2% 882 1,042 18.2%
VBL 0.5% 244 1,506 518.5%
M&MFIN 0.2% 351 264 24.7%
ESCORTS 3.1% 1,260 3,921 211.1%
CARERATING 2.2% 1,173 1,106 5.8%
SRF 0.1% 423 2,279 438.8%
PARAGMILK 0.8% 262 215 18.2%
PIIND -0.0% 710 3,575 403.4%
GPPL 0.2% 171 211 23.1%
FINEORG 1.9% 2,176 4,373 101.0%
HTMEDIA 1.1% 82.8 26.9 67.5%
GAYAPROJ 4.9% 39.2 6.63 83.1%
GAYAHWS 1.5% 1.65 1.34 18.8%