Sundaram Mutual Fund A/C Sundaram Small Cap Fund · · 0 Followers
21.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (33 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
HCG 0.2% 238 498 108.7%
NAVINFLUOR 2.9% 716 3,741 422.4%
INOXLEISUR 0% 276 508 83.8%
ASHOKA 0.9% 171 277 62.2%
DIXON 4.0% 1,768 16,930 857.6%
KPIL 0.7% 483 1,176 143.3%
HERITGFOOD 1.3% 461 431 6.5%
HIMATSEIDE 1.4% 215 177 17.7%
KSB 0.3% 746 720 3.5%
RANEHOLDIN 2.3% 1,065 1,618 52.0%
ISGEC 1.0% 573 1,215 112.0%
LEMONTREE 0.6% 68.2 141 107.5%
BRIGADE 2.1% 173 1,105 538.3%
CAPACITE 0.2% 273 379 39.0%
JCHAC 0.4% 1,891 1,743 7.8%
HAPPSTMNDS 1.4% 344 724 110.3%
KHADIM 2.5% 734 336 54.3%
PNCINFRA 1.0% 172 303 75.8%
PRAJIND 2.7% 116 744 544.2%
KPITTECH 1.2% 88 1,342 1425.8%
INDOCO 0.7% 266 323 21.6%
TDPOWERSYS 0.7% 38.9 402 934.7%
RAYMOND 3.8% 556 1,580 184.3%
NRBBEARING 0.4% 205 272 32.9%
ARVINDFASN 3.2% 158 507 222.0%
ASIANTILES 0.3% 478 62.7 86.9%
TAKE 16.5% 167 16.6 90.1%
ITDCEM 0.4% 125 516 313.6%
LGBBROSLTD 0.9% 340 1,232 262.4%
AMRUTANJAN 3.8% 281 677 140.7%
ASTRAMICRO 1.1% 75.8 743 880.8%
BUTTERFLY 0.4% 241 734 204.3%
AGI 0.7% 51.8 989 1810.1%