Sundaram Mutual Fund A/C Sundaram Infrastructure Advantage Fund · · 0 Followers
15.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Building Materials
Portfolio (12 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
HONAUT 0.1% 19,350 57,546 197.4%
AGI 4.0% 442 888 101.1%
STARCEMENT 0.5% 126 212 67.6%
KSB 1.2% 679 4,867 617.3%
ASHOKA 0.9% 122 230 87.5%
AJRINFRA 0% 15.6 0.68 95.7%
BRIGADE 3.4% 132 1,299 887.8%
APOLLO 0.4% 292 107 63.4%
RPPINFRA 1.5% 300 144 52.2%
NAVKARCORP 1.2% 168 117 30.5%
MBECL 2.1% 81.2 4.8 94.1%
TDPOWERSYS 1.2% 22.3 404 1709.1%