Supreeth Vattam · @supreeth · 7 Followers
10.1% IRR · Invests via Zerodha
Member since April 19, 2017
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@supreeth shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (18 stocks)
Company LTP Change
ITC 464.6 0.4%
3MINDIA 30745.8 1.0%
DHAMPURSUG 164.9 3.2%
HDFCBANK 1772.1 1.2%
NTPC 333.3 1.3%
SUNPHARMA 1808.5 0.8%
KMSUGAR 31.8 3.0%
SAMPANN 40.8 2.7%
AXISBANK 1072.1 3.3%
NLCINDIA 235.9 3.8%
ARE&M 1196.6 2.0%
JBMA 1639.3 3.3%
HEXAWARE 470.8 0%
INDIGO 4350.7 1.9%
ASIANPAINT 2283.1 0.4%
20MICRONS 235.6 1.9%
SHARDACROP 792.7 4.9%
ASHOKLEY 217.2 0.9%
Followers (7)
Following (15)