Suresh Kumar Agarwal · @suresh.kumar.agarwal1 · 0 Followers
18.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NILKAMAL 1.5% 1,236 1,947 57.5%
TCI 0.8% 284 903 217.6%
HIMATSEIDE 0.3% 234 139 40.7%
GHCL 2.2% 189 563 197.0%
STAR 0.9% 398 949 138.4%
APLAPOLLO 0.7% 100 1,555 1449.7%
CAPLIPOINT 0.3% 295 1,476 401.1%
STYLAMIND 2.8% 1,279 1,922 50.3%
NIITLTD 0.3% 93.7 103 9.6%
INDOCO 0.7% 207 324 56.5%
HERANBA 3.0% 632 352 44.4%
SANGHIIND 1.9% 106 99 6.6%
SHEMAROO 0.2% 434 145 66.6%
GENUSPOWER 0.8% 51.1 310 506.6%
MANAKALUCO 2.0% 3.7 28 657.8%
MSPL 1.6% 6.3 26 312.7%